Visi & Misi

Welcome to YPPI preschool

YPPI preschool is committed to developing students who are ready to face global challenges but have a heart that cares for the environment, as well as to nurture and hone students' potential.

Herman Halim, MBA - Chairman



  • Preparing the Millennial Generation who can take part in the Technological Revolution through a quality learning system with the latest technology to form a generation that is cultured and characterized.
  • Making educational institutions a fun place to learn for students to develop their potential through the spirit of endless learning.
  • Build a generation that is concerned about the environment and utilizes natural resources effectively.
  • Provide space for teachers/lecturers to adapt to the novelty in order to continue to develop knowledge.
  • Creating a communicative and conducive educational institution culture for the entire academic community.



To become a leading educational institution that is Humanist, Innovative, and Creative, to give birth to a multitalented generation that is useful for the Society, the Nation, and the State

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